17 Dec Don’t Drain Your Old Plaster Pool
Unlike newer pools, older plaster pools require constant moisture to remain stable. Draining an old plaster pool in the middle of the scorching Texas summer can cause the surface to crack, pop and pit. Often times the best course of action with an older plaster pool is to let it continue to deteriorate until you are ready for a new pool surface (pool resurface or pool replaster).
So what defines an old plaster pool? As a rule of thumb in our 70+ years of experience, we do not drain plaster pools older than 8 years or any plaster pool in temperatures above 80 degrees (high) unless it’s an absolute must.
When faced with a must drain situation, such as a green pool or “dead water”, we require our customers to sign a plaster drain waiver in which the customer understands the volatility of the aged plaster and the adverse reaction draining a plaster pool can inherit.
Caring for an older plaster pool can be quite the “money pit.” Because old plaster does deteriorate and become very porous, organisms such as black algae and mustard algae can harbor itself within the surface itself and high amounts of chemicals may not have any effect on the those burrowed organisms.
Preventative maintenance is most important in combating the inevitable end. Balancing your chemicals and brushing the walls are crucial, especially in the summer months. With longer hot days and the old plasters ability to harbor algae, it could be a recipe for disaster without proper pool care in the pool plaster’s most volatile “end of life” state.
Being that plaster is so temperamental, even with new plaster we drain towards the evening and continue necessary maintenance in the morning. As a plaster owner, you must understand the nature of the surface and how to best treat it. We recommend letting a San Antonio pool maintenance professional such as Warren Pools handle the work. With so many cons, the pros are obsolete when draining for routine maintenance.
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